There are diamonds called Hansmukhi Diamond resembling goose-mouth shapes. Actually the diamond blocks are found in almost similar types, say those in hexangular or eight-angled shapes are always found to be attached to others which are of the same shapes.

As the diamonds are the hardest, no object can scratch through its mass. Its refractive indices are the highest, which is why the rays that penetrate its mass very easily can return in total after some time, and the effect in its dazzling power is the greatest among all other gems. The radiation power in the diamond pieces are so great that if you look down from its peak into the depth of the jewel the entire vibgyor or the sun would be Nearly visible in full colours. According to the Garuda Purana, if the sides of a piece of diamond is broken yet there remain some points and lines and the tinges of rainbow still visible, that piece is auspicious enough to bless the native with prosperity and heirs.

It is India which first proved that even the hardest and the most adamant pieces of diamonds can be polished. This art was discovered as early as in thirteenth century by the Indian jewellers and gemologists. According to documents left by the famous French jeweller, Baron Twenyar, in India the pure and defectless diamonds were not cut, it is the impure and defective diamonds which were cut and polished to their beautiful majesticity. Indians should " pride in the fact, even pretty before the Western civilisation got going, that is the sixteenth century, the diamonds were in the trade practices India and all the cut and cleaned diamonds were being exported. During the medieval period in India the diamonds were crowning the international trade.

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