Like all the other gems and jewels the diamonds too have to be studded with some ornaments. This not only spruces up the native's physical look but also ensures mental balance and boosts egotism. However, the real gems or jewels are highly expensive, among these the real diamonds are the costliest and, consequently the common people have to go for the lower priced ones, which are artificially made. Many times, the inferior quality gems and jewels are given artificial colours through chermcal processes, and with application of heat, pressure and radiation treatments, the inexpensive diamonds are manufactured. These are called simulants or imitation jewels.

In the ancient texts of Garuda Purana, it is mentioned in the 68th chapter as:

Ayasa pushpraagenha tathaa gomedekena chau; Vaidoorya sphatikaabhyaancha kaachaishchau prithgwithaiih; Pratiroopaani kurvanti vajrasya kushalaaha janaha.

That means, The clever people create diamonds out of iron, yellow sapphire, heassonite, vaidoorya, crystal and glass pieces. That also means, even during the ancient times, the wearing of aritificial ornaments was very much in vogue. At present, the technique has improved only.

There are four types of man-made artificial diamonds: (i) synthesised, (ii) reconstructed, (iii) Imitation, and (iv)Dwik or Trik (doublets and triplets).

(i) The Synthesised diamonds have never since been made enough to give the trader good profits. In 1955, for the first time an attempt was made to create synsthesised diamonds by inducing more than one lakh elemental pres­sure on assorted granules of graphite. That process was made by treating the compound with 2700 degree heat. However, no such synthesised diamonds have since been made which can substitute for a real piece of diamond.

(ii) The Reconstructed diamond pieces too have not yet been made since the first time. For a success at this job, at least one thing is certain that the jewellers would have to smelt which is actually impossible.

(iii) The Dwik diamonds are made of synthesised tiles and synthesised blue sapphires.

(iv) The Imitation diamonds are manufactured from the glass and crystals.

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