The following defects were identified in the ancient books of Garuda Purana.
1.Spots - The diamond pieces with spots like water marks make the piece defective. If the spots are red that must always be rejected.
2.Black Signs - If the diamond pieces would have the black stamps like the clutch of a crow, that is said to have been as inauspicious as the life-takers.
3. If the diamond pieces were having the island-type imprints on their masses, which could be of four colours such as white, yellow, red and black, were considered inauspicious.
4. If the diamond pieces had acquired many unwanted elements in their sides, cones and middle of their masses, those were considered inauspicious.
5. If there were any of the four types of lines, such as: lines going through the left side, going through the right side, crossing a line, or crossing the line and going upwards, then of these four the first one is considered of good quality. Apart from these, the pieces with oiliness, yellowish paleness, grayness, depression on the masses, cracks, lack of shine, and high rough-ness are all considered defective diamonds.